$3,711.01 a Month
Her most popular video is Eyebrow Tutorial which gives her a total of 11,802,607 views.
Desi Perkins currently averages 1,112 subscribers and 108,449 views daily on her youtube channel.
I must say that she does not get as many views and subscribers for someone having 1.7 million subscribers. This could be due to the fact that she only has a total of 163 uploaded videos.
If you want to watch a full video of her income breakdown , please check it out on Youtube.
Desi Perkins currently averages 1,112 subscribers and 108,449 views daily on her youtube channel.
I must say that she does not get as many views and subscribers for someone having 1.7 million subscribers. This could be due to the fact that she only has a total of 163 uploaded videos.
If you want to watch a full video of her income breakdown , please check it out on Youtube.
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